III. Enhancing the Student Experience Through Innovative Teaching and Learning

The three strategic goals for the Priority Three team are developing new and innovative academic programs with growth potential; evaluating and improving academic programs; and creating professional development opportunities for leadership and for training and equipping professors with best practice in pedagogy.  This priority is led by Dr. Kristen Hutchins, Dean, School of Science and Mathematics and Professor of Biology, and Dr. Dave Claborn, Professor of Government.

The university enjoyed a fruitful Professional Development Day on Thursday, April 28th. The faculty enjoyed a session with David I. Smith, author of On Christian Teaching: Practicing Faith in the Classroom. Copies of the book were distributed in advance to all faculty.  Several faculty members have continued to meet to discuss the book over the summer.

The General Education Committee completed listening sessions with faculty and met with the Deans’ Council. They will work on a proposal over the summer to present for feedback in Fall of
2024, with the goal that the new curriculum requirements will begin in 2025-26. 

The Priority #3 team submitted an updated proposal for the faculty evaluation process and policies to Dr. Auvenshine and Dr. Hines for review. They received feedback and submitted a final report May 2024.  This document will go to deans and faculty for review in the fall of 2024.

A proposal for the Center for Teaching Excellence was developed. Whereas the Student Success Center focuses on supporting students, the Center for Teaching emphasizes and supports the pedagogical development of faculty through innovative practice. Friends of HPU can give to this project here.

A General Education Task Force was appointed by the President and began meeting.

A draft for the Faculty Evaluation process was developed by the committee with the goal of having a proposal by mid-spring 2024.

Academic Program Reviews of individual schools were underway, with the Schools of Business, Music and Fine Arts, and Nursing already reporting.

The task force researched schools and universities across the country to begin developing a proposal for the Center for Teaching Excellence.